While there is a movement in how people view beauty in American and the world at large

The standard of beauty is changing. Because social media gives them the ability to express themselves to the world, women no longer have to rely on “advertisements” to tell them who is beautiful and who is not. Instead, women can show their natural beauty in social media posts that receive thousands of likes, celebrating beauty in all shapes and sizes.

While people’s perceptions of beauty in America and the world at large may be different, there is data to support this change. The average woman is changing. In a recent study published in the International Journal of Design, Technology and Education, the average woman is no longer a size fourteen. What does this mean? Keep reading to find out!

In this study, more than 5,500 women in the United States were analyzed. In the last two years, the data shows that the average size of women has increased. At the turn of the millennium, the average waist size of American women was 34.9 inches. Now the average has increased by 2.6 inches to 37.5 inches. This change is linked to “larger differences” that “exist when race and ethnicity are considered”.


“Hopefully this information will spread and be used by businesses and consumers. Just knowing where the average is will help a lot of women,” said Susan Dunn, one of the researchers. core of research.

“And hopefully the clothing industry can look at the numbers and realize that these women are not going away, they are not going away, they deserve to have clothes,” she added. Whether or not clothing fits all styles and sizes and is available anywhere other than backstreets or just online is still a matter of debate. Why?”

American women are currently a size sixteen to eighteen. This is the bottom of plus sizes. Maybe it’s time for the fashion industry to focusing on authenticity and designing their clothes with real women in mind, instead of stock models starving themselves to fit into tight clothes.

The research will encourage clothing designers to revise sizes and plus size clothing. As the average size of women in America has increased, clothing has had to be updated to reflect this trend. Instead of expecting women to fit into something they don’t like, clothing should be updated to fit the modern American woman.


Don and Deborah Christel, the study’s authors, are faculty members in clothing, design and apparel at Washington State University. Since they did this research, American women have proven that they no longer wear size 2. However, the women’s store sizes are 16 and 18. Fashion industry experts must update their clothing styles to reflect the average woman, or be left to dust as the flood of change hits the ground.

What do you think of this fashion change?.