The inspiring story of Jackie’s famous pair of bald eagles who braved heavy rain and heavy snow to protect three tiny eggs from worried California crowds..

Jackie, the bald eagle, dusted his feathers and landed on a snowy hill overlooking the California Valley.

There is a cozy, invisible cavity underneath that is warmed by body heat.

Jackie has been protecting her three crops from the elements since a strong wind lashed the area last week. 

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Unbeknownst to him, thousands of people are watching every time.

The 24-hour Big Bear Eagle Nest camera was installed in 2015 and has since been broadcast to audiences around the world. Sponsored by Friends of Big Bear Valley, a non-profit conservation and advocacy organization..

Jackie, a 12-year-old bald eagle, was protecting her nest with her friend Shadow when Hurricane Joey hit California last week..


Eagles live in pine trees in the San Bernardino Mountains, about 100 miles east of Los Angeles..

Jackie gave birth about two weeks ago, after a third just before the storm

When the deadly storms hit California last week, 12-year-old Jackie and her husband and Shadow braved the cold on camera.

The couple lives high in the San Bernardino Mountains, about 100 miles east of Los Angeles.

According to the Friends of Big Bear Valley, their cave has been in use since the fall of 2013. because bald eagles thrive when people are disturbed.

In the past, only birds wintered in the Great Bear Valley to find food such as fish and waterfowl in the Arctic lakes. Recently, the couple has been living in the main village.

About two weeks ago, Jackie laid two eggs. Just before the first storm, he released the third.

When the snow came, he went down and did not look until the next evening when the rain stopped. That’s where Atarangi comes in..

Jackie and Shadow recently settled in the valley. The birds long ago wintered there and found food sources that were not available in the northern lakes.

When the snow came, Jackie came down and saw that a little later in the afternoon it stopped raining

A couple turns to roost on the eggs, which is common for bald eagles

Both males and females develop a hairless patch during breeding, called a bee patch, that allows them to hold the eggs close to their bodies. So far he has seen three eggs in the nest. Biology and CEO orgɡапіzаtіoп.

“He kept looking at them as he pulled his legs towards them… but when the legs were together he didn’t call out at all.

“”It worked the other day… why isn’t it working now?” Realizing that something is very different – or after counting – he moves the results closer together and put him up.”

The place was silent for a moment. There is a molten lake at the bottom of the cave, and the ground is covered in white powder.
Then the wind came out. As the storm swept through the nest, Shadow was startled. Fortunately, Jackie is back in charge.

The two exchanged a few words as they sounded and changed places.

The wind blew their tree, and a shadow came close to a branch.

When it starts to rain, Jackie saves her eggs. Turning into snow, the dark mother took her wings, shook herself into the dust, and went away..

Shadow returns to the cave with the tree and Jackie lets him stay in the cave

The dedicated mother was seen covered in snow at some points, but did not budge

At one point, Jackie sat on the eggs for 35 hours ѕtгаіɡһt

While one parent guarded the nest, the other һᴜпted or perched nearby..

Whenever Jackie wants to eat, she and Shadow go around

“In bad weather, eagles fly less and stay in the elements,” Steers said. .

“During hatching we see them empty like a jackie, keeping energy.” .

A couple turns to perch on the eggs, much like bald eagles. Both the male and female build a bee patch – a patch of hairless skin – on their sides during nesting that allows them to keep their eggs close to their body heat.

While one parent is guarding the nest, the other stays at or near it. As the storm continued, Jackie stayed for 35 hours.

Eagles store food in their proboscis, which are tough pouches near their necks. They can go more than a day without eating anything.

As the sky clears, Jackie looks down and sees a shadow. The eagles spend an hour preparing the food, so that the embryos do not stick to the shells..

Bird life is recorded 24 hours a day by the Great Bear Eagle economic camera installed in 2015.

According to the Friends of Big Bear Valley, the group that supports the camera, the cave was used in 2013..

Even when the snow feɩɩ, Jackie lay perfectly still to conserve energy

The growing season in California is usually from January to July or August.

Irrigation takes about 35 days. Last year, Jackie and Shadow cracked two eggs after they had been lying for a long time and the crows ate them.

Incubation takes about 35 days and the chicks hatch after 11 to 12 weeks.

According to Friends of Big Bear Valley, February 29th is the start of “Pip Hour”. When the eggs hatch, an excited crowd follows.

But for Jackie, it’s just another day in the life of a mother.

He released two products last January. A month later, after a record snowfall hit the valley, Steers showed his confidence.

In the end, the eggs were too long, and the second eaglet suffered a heart attack in March, in the home of the crows on the camera..