The love story is beautiful! A pilot rescues an abandoned bear cub on the runway, and now they share a warm and unlikely bond.

A Russian pilot who rescued a bear cub at an airport formed a special bond with her – and their bond touched many hearts.

The pilots at the airport believed that Mansoor’s mother had been killed by һᴜпteгѕ, leaving the child standing speechless.

After rescuing Mansour, the pilots took him under their protection, and pilot Andrey Ivanov took over as Mansour’s main bodyguard..


The pilots planned to bring Mansour back to the ship, but the bear was too tame for that. In the end, it was decided that the right place for Mansoor was Seliger Nature Reserve..

“A local official from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment offered to help,” Ivanov said. “We trusted him, but we wanted to protect our bear, but this official did not tell us how Mansour was doing.”.


The brave pilots organized an operation to free Mansour and bring him back to the air base. Mansour immediately recognized his guards, hugged them and jumped into Mr Ivanov’s arms when he saw him..

When Mansour returned to the airport, Ivanov and his team helped raise $46,000 to build a shelter for Mansour. A “nest” was built for him, and Mr. Ivanov and Mansoor to convince him to take a nap.. Exercising caution, the pilots also installed electronic fencing to protect humans in the unlikely event that Mansur would decide to аttасk. 

Mansoor’s fans can follow the famous bear on his YouTube channel, where fans live and share his stories with the world. All the money collected from Mansoor’s living stream will be used to fulfill his needs..

“It’s sad not being able to release him into the world, but because of that person’s love, Bear has the next best thing. He’s happy, healthy, cared for, and safe. good!” wrote one YouTube user..

Another comment: “Thank God above for people who help һeɩрɩeѕѕ and really love animals in need.”

Mansour refuses to respect the integrity of Mr. Ivanov licked his face to show his gratitude. He also likes to wrestle with Mr. Ivanov. Although Mansoor weighs 584 pounds (as of June 2023) and can easily eat a coconut, he treats Mr. Ivanov was careful not to catch him when he “broke”..

Mansoor loves a variety of foods – from watermelon to nuts – and eats 33 pounds a day. He also likes to play in the water and swim. In winter, like other bears, he hibernates..

Although Mr. Ivanov in Moscow, Russia, he talks to Mansour whenever he can. Despite Ivanov’s love for him, he feels sad that Mansoor cannot return to his original home. The pilot’s dream is to open a bear rescue facility to treat bears and then release them among the bears..