If you’re patiently waiting for divine intervention to resolve all your troubles, express it by saying:

In their quest for deliverance from difficulties through Jesus, individuals may offer prayers or utter words of faith and surrender. Here’s a sample of such a prayer:

“Dear Lord Jesus, I approach you with humility and faith, seeking your deliverance from the burdens that heavily press upon my heart. I recognize your authority and power over all things, and I entrust you with the task of freeing me from these trials. I implore you to bestow upon me the strength to persevere, the wisdom to navigate through hardships, and the peace to soothe my agitated spirit. I yield my troubles to you, secure in the knowledge that you are my sanctuary and deliverance. Assist me in walking in faith and placing my trust in your divine blueprint for my life. Amen.”

In this prayer, individuals articulate their faith in Jesus as their redeemer and entrust their troubles to him, confident in his ability to provide liberation and tranquility. It acknowledges the constraints of human capability and the reliance on divine intervention, seeking fortitude and direction from Jesus to surmount adversity.
